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I’ve never talked to anyone. I’m used to handling things on my own. Aren’t people who go to therapy weak?

Not at all. Reaching out and asking for help is one of the most courageous acts anyone can do. Humans are social creatures, and we need each other to get through this crazy life. Therapy with us is an active process; we’ll work together to decide the steps you can take to begin living the life you want. 


What’s the difference between talking to you or my best friend or family?

Think of it like this. Imagine you’re out jogging one day. You hear a loud crack and feel immense pain in your ankle. In the days immediately following, you ask your friends and family for their opinion—is it broken, or is it just twisted badly? Do you think it’ll need surgery? You think I should just ignore the pain and walk on it until I don’t notice the pain anymore? You might get as many different opinions as the people you ask, but you won’t know for sure 1) how extensive the injury really is or 2) what the best course of treatment until you seek the opinion of a trained medical professional. Your mental and emotional health is very similar to your physical health. The mental health professionals at Therapy Fort Worth and Counseling Center have undergone a rigorous licensing process that includes a Master’s degree and a 3000-hour internship under a trained professional to know how to best identify underlying issues contributing to your unhappiness and how best to approach the healing process. Of course you can talk to your friends and family who can each give you their own opinion, but to understand what’s truly keeping you stuck and how to move on, you need a licensed mental health professional.  


Why shouldn’t I just take medication?

Medication can be effective, but it alone cannot solve all issues. Research indicates that the most effective treatment combination is medication coupled with counseling. Medication is sometimes needed to help us bridge to a place where we can explore some of the painful situations in our lives both past and present. In other words, it helps soothe the emotions we feel, so we are better able to explore the emotions and their root causes. Please note, as LPCs, we are unable to prescribe or manage medication. We will happily, however, explore the pros and cons of medication and work with you to determine if medication is the best option for you.


How does it work? What do I have to do in sessions?

The therapists at Therapy Fort Worth and Counseling Center are all trained in various techniques and approaches. Because you are uniquely you, the methods used in your sessions are designed by your therapist specifically for you. We aren’t a one-size-fits-all counseling center and we don't use cookie-cutter methods.


Regardless of the therapist, most sessions utilize A LOT of talking… sometimes by you and sometimes by your therapist. We very much utilize a conversational teaching style that casts you as the main focus of each session. If for any reason you feel uncomfortable with anything occurring during your therapy session, we encourage you to bring that to the attention of your therapist or to email  


How long will it take?

The best answer to this is that it takes as long as it takes. Typically, therapy takes some time. Chances are, the events contributing to you coming to therapy took a long time, and it will take time for us to work that out. Each client’s circumstances are unique as is the length of time for growth and healing to occur. It largely depends on your desire for personal development, your commitment to the therapeutic process (including work outside the therapy session), and the factors that are driving you to seek counseling in the first place.


Does therapy actually work?

The short answer is yes. First off, therapy is a partnership, and it takes the effort of both the therapist and the client to achieve the best results. Having said that, decades of research have consistently shown that therapy (also called "psychotherapy"), used by itself or in conjunction with other treatments, is a natural, powerful, and cost-effective way to generate lasting improvements in quality of life and adaptive functioning while reducing negative symptoms. These findings hold true for a broad range of ages and ethnicities, regardless of the specific mental or emotional struggles you are dealing with.


Furthermore, addressing your emotional well-being in this way has been proven to boost your physical health in addition to your mental health, making therapy a great whole-person healthcare option.


How much does therapy cost?

Our therapists charge $150 per 50 minute session, however we reserve a small number of slots in our practice to offer at a reduced cost. Click here for more information about our rates, insurance, and cancellation policy


I want to get the most out of therapy. What can I do to help?

Our LPCs believe that therapy is very much an active process. In the same way that teachers can provide you information, we can give you the tools, strategies, and support you’ll need to achieve your goals, but at the end of the day, it really is up to you to choose to practice them in your daily life. The change of therapy rarely occurs during a 50-minute session; it’s most often found in the day-to-day incorporation of therapeutic practices with the people and events you encounter outside of the session. Your attendance and frequency of sessions also impact the effectiveness of your therapy. You and your therapist will set your schedule. If you have questions or concerns about what you’re getting out of therapy, your therapist is happy to address these in session. Together, you’ll work to find a solution that works for you and provides you the optimal therapeutic experience.



"Counseling helps me gain perspective on my life, gives me tools to help me cope, and keeps me from being [bad-tempered] to others."​


-TFW Client



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